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Terrington & Tilney Art and Craft Group

The Tilney Art and Craft Group now meet on Wednesdays at 10.00am in the Coach and Horses.  For further details contact Audrey Wooton on 01553 829603.


Terrington St John Women’s Circle

Meetings are the last Tuesday of the month at around 7.30pm.  ‘In house’ demonstrations and talks are at The Methodist Church, Terrington St John,  we also visit places of interest and have meals out, our strawberry themed evening in June and Christmas Party are always well attended.  Our programme is varied to suit all ages.  To find out more contact Shirley on 01945 880067 or Diane on 01945 880811.


Over 60s Welcome Club

Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm at Tilney St Lawrence Village Hall.  An opportunity to meet people and make new friends.  There are various activities including talks, demonstrations, bingo and raffle.  They also arrange trips to places of interest and theatre outings.  A coach picks people up from various points starting from Walpole Highway and of course takes you home at around 4.30pm.  Want to know more contact Edith Forshaw on 01945 880463 or Mrs M Wright on 01945 880545.


Tilney & Terrington Young Mums

Every Thursday from 9.30am to 11.30am, in the Village Hall at Terrington St Clement.  If you are a mother or expectant mum aged 19 years or under then come along for fun, courses, fundraising events, arts and crafts, with children and meeting new friends.  Just turn up or contact Juliet Clarke on 07943330870.


Skylarks Pre – School

Monday, Tuesday and Friday 9.15am to 11.45am and 12.30pm to 3.00pm.  Wednesday and Thursday 9.15am to 11.45am at Tilney St Lawrence Village Hall.  Children from two years welcome (subject to vacancies).  No area restrictions.  For further information about the group and funding for 3 year olds call 07920054320 weekdays.


Tilney Boys Football Club

If anyone is interested in joining, whether you want to play competitive football or just come and train and take part in other activities arranged from time to time your first call should be to the Secretary Jos Girling on 01945 880747.



For boys and girls aged between 10 and 14 years.  Contact Froggy on 07834178526.



For boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 years.  Contact Baloo on  01945 881254. Website  details.



For boys and girls aged between 6 and 8 years.  Contact Ameek on 01945 781147.


3rd Marshland Scout Group

An opportunity for boys and girls aged 6 to 14 years to enjoy a range of activities from craft and science to camping, climbing, karting and abseiling.  We meet at the Scout HQ in Old Church Road every week during term time. Visit Scoutings very own website!


Tilney St Lawrence Brownies

For girls aged between 7 and 10 years.  An opportunity for your daughter to make new friends, learn new skills, go on Pack Holiday and much more.  Please call Jayne on 07798 710114 or 01945 880804.  Visit the Brownies very own website!


Tilney St Lawrence Rainbows

For girls aged between 5 and 7.  They meet every Tuesday from 4.00pm to 5.00pm.  A chance for your daughter to meet new friends, make arts and crafts and play games.  Call Lisa on 07881 612520 for more information.



St John’s Surgery

St John’s Surgery website has more information.


Willows Pharmacy

2 Old Church Road

Terrington St John



PE14 7XA

01945 882280


Opening times: 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 12.00pm on Saturday.


Visit the NHS website for more information.


Other Local Authorities

Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk


Norfolk County Council

Terrington St John Baptist Church

St John the Baptist Church

St John’s Church minister:

Revd Martin Dale

The Vicarage

37 Church Road

Tilney St Lawrence

King’s Lynn


PE34 4QQ

01945 880259


Visit the Church of England website:.


Terrington St John Methodist Church

See for more information.


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